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  • »Hexo« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 3 558

Wohnort: Daheim

Beruf: Certified Mechanical Technician (CMT)

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Donnerstag, 1. September 2011, 12:37

We need Suporter

this Amaranthe Forum is really new and every start is really hard.
My plan for this forum it, to make it more international... One Forum for all Amaranthe Fans.

In this moment the main page is german.... (because i am german) and the board url is
So, when enought people think it´s is better to make a board under a own domain... it wouldn´t be a big deal.
I have also bought

So, what do you think?

And not only this: If you are Italy, France or what every nation and you would to have on own area for you language in this forum... no problem. Then you will get an Aera for YOUR language for Amaranthe.

Greetz and !hunger! :-)
Stupid As A Stupid Does

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Beiträge: 12

Wohnort: México

Beruf: Project engineer

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Donnerstag, 1. September 2011, 16:27

Nice, I'm in!


Freitag, 2. September 2011, 01:37

Greetings from the UK! Great website and great idea to unite all of the Amaranthe fans around the world! :-)

I would definitely be up for helping you with anything on the forums! It would be great to have all of the Amaranthe fans here interacting!

Unfortunately language wise I only know a tiny bit of French which probably isn't much good for helping with anything language wise as such! (Lol) I really wish we had learned German and Spanish at school! Maybe I will pick up a bit from you guys!

I will see if I can think of any ideas, but I love the site so far and can't wait to see how it develops in the not so distant future!

(Amaranthe UK Fanpage)



  • »Hexo« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 3 558

Wohnort: Daheim

Beruf: Certified Mechanical Technician (CMT)

  • Nachricht senden


Freitag, 2. September 2011, 12:27

Hey Claire,
it would be really great if you help us!!!
If you are interesetet, you can moderate the english aera of this forum and you can use it for you UK Fanpage.

So Danae make the spanish part,
you the english and i will make the german part :-)
Fans united and international. Perfect

Greetz hexo
Stupid As A Stupid Does

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  • »Hexo« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 3 558

Wohnort: Daheim

Beruf: Certified Mechanical Technician (CMT)

  • Nachricht senden


Freitag, 2. September 2011, 12:41

So, i have postet on each "Fan Facebook Page" that i found, that here is a "united" Forum for Amaranthe.
Stupid As A Stupid Does

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Beiträge: 12

Wohnort: México

Beruf: Project engineer

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Freitag, 2. September 2011, 22:19

Welcome to this adventure Claire!

Wow, this is so great, we are growing faster Hexo! Y así es, todo lo que esté en español déjenlo en mis manos! :thumbup: well I mean, I'll do all the spanish/latin american stuff as Hexo said. So I'm glad to see that this project is working so fine.

But let me introduce myself because Danaes is my nickname.

My name is Eva Espino, I'm 27 years old (yeah I'm so damn old :thumbsup: ) and I live in Mexico ;).

Nice to meet you guys.

(Amaranthine - Amaranthe México)


Freitag, 2. September 2011, 23:03

Sounds cool! I'd be up for that! :-)

*Waves at Danae and Hexo* Great to meet you both too!

Go TEAM AMARANTHE! :thumbsup:


Freitag, 5. Oktober 2012, 09:23

I would like to help out if I can, but I guess the seats are already taken. ;)

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