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  • »Hexo« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 3 558

Wohnort: Daheim

Beruf: Certified Mechanical Technician (CMT)

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Samstag, 3. September 2011, 14:26

Introduce yourself

Danae had an good idea for a good topic :-)

Introduce yourself...

Good, here we go.

My Name is Matthias and i am living in germany in a small town between cologne and frankfurt.
I am 31 years old and i am working as a production planer in a "mechanical engineering firm".

I love it to travel and my plan is: to see the whole world ^^
I have been severel times in the USA and this year we are doing our winter vacation in New York City and in Florida (my aunt is living there)

I am listing to metal since i am 12 Years old. My first band i have every listen to was "Bad Religion".
I like any types of metal.

So, if you got some question, feel free and ask :-)

Greetz Matthias
Stupid As A Stupid Does

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Beiträge: 12

Wohnort: México

Beruf: Project engineer

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Samstag, 3. September 2011, 16:16

Hehe, ok here I go.

My name is Eva, I'm from México. I was born on November 30th of 1983 on Torreón, a city of one of the biggest states on my country, Coahuila. I'm a computer systems engineer, I've 27 years old and I'm working as a Planning Engineer on a young company of hvac instalations and manufacture. My nickname Danae its in honour of Perseus mother, I love greek mythology.

I listen to Metal since my university times, and it was just because I meet a very good metal friend that's no longer here with me. Within Temptation, Nightwish, Epica, The Gathering (with Anneke van Giersbergen), Leave's eyes, Lacuna Coil are the bands that I like te most so you can say that I love symphonic metal, women fronted mostly. But I enjoy all the music that sounds nice to my ears :P

I love to write stories, read and go to the movies, play videogames and japanese animation, and I used to buy comic books but that was a long time ago.

The very first time that I heard about Amaranthe was in a review in a metalblog, I was searching new music for my library, nearby 2010. After that I downloaded "Leave everything behind" and the rest is history.

So this is me.


Samstag, 3. September 2011, 18:59

Nice idea for a thread! :-)

My name is Claire and I'm 20 years old. I live in the Midlands Region of the UK - Where Heavy Metal was invented! ;-) I'm currently in my 3rd year of a 4 year degree in Public Relations. I'm on a year long work placement at a record label in the UK - just a small independent one - which is exciting!

I have only listened to Metal since I was about 14/15 years old. So not really that long! The first Metal band I heard were Trivium. At the time I told my brother I hated the music, but I secretly loved the guitar solos and slowly got into more Metal music from there. I love all kinds of Metal from Trivium and Machine Head through to Rhapsody Of Fire, Kamelot and of course Amaranthe. I'm always on the look out for new bands and new takes on existing genres.

I love live concerts, so I try to go to as many as possible! :-)

In my spare time I compete in Irish Dancing which I have done since I was 6 years old! I love it!

The first I heard of Amaranthe was when Elize did back up vocals at the Kamelot gig in London in 2010, but I didn't really hear any Amaranthe until I saw them this year supporting Kamelot. I really enjoyed their performance and after that show I was just hooked and still am. I was really lucky to see them TWICE at Bloodstock Festival this year. They did an acoustic set too which was amazing - I wish it had been longer! I can't wait until they do another show here! :-)


Montag, 5. September 2011, 01:02

I'll give it a shot, so here i go :)

My name is Warren Meinking, and I'm from South Africa, Cape Town to be more specific. I am 19 years and born on the 20th of May 1992. I'm currently taking a gap year to see where I want to study next year, hopefully in the I.T Network Engineering field. At the moment I am in my own band and doing a side-line music course. I'm the drummer in the band and have been playing since I was 12 years old, and absolutely love it, I have a big passion for it. I also cant play any other instrument to save my life.

I started listening to metal when I was around 14 years old and have never looked back since. My main genres that I like the most are symphonic, gothic and melodic metal and combinations like symphonic gothic and power melodic etc.

In my spare time I love to climb behind my kit and totally rock out. To me, music is the best medicine in the world! No matter how bad I might feel sometimes, my music always makes me feel better. I also do some PC gaming here and there, mainly racing and shooting. I love being around my friends and going out to the movies and the beach and experiencing new things.

I came across Aramanthe while with a good friend of mine and he said I should go check them out for some reason, so I did, and was totally blown away. I have been completely hooked ever since!



  • »Hexo« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 3 558

Wohnort: Daheim

Beruf: Certified Mechanical Technician (CMT)

  • Nachricht senden


Mittwoch, 7. September 2011, 06:41

Very cool. I like it, that heavy (music general) is so international :-)
At this moment we are 6 Users...
2x Users from Europe
1x America
1x Africa (South)

Stupid As A Stupid Does

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Freitag, 9. September 2011, 23:20

Nice to see that already we have quite a mix of people from all across the world. Hopefully it'll grow even more! :-)


Mittwoch, 21. Dezember 2011, 06:45

My Name is Starkulf, I'm 54 years old, originally from Birmingham, but currently live in SW London. I have a complaint, who's been hiding Amaranthe, I only found them yesterday afternoon:) What a band, let's hope they come over next year, they're one of my must see bands. If you wan't to know what music I'm into you can check my LastFM profile, it's there, but even that doesn't cover half of it.(sorry on LastFM, it's StarkulfR) :D


Donnerstag, 4. Oktober 2012, 18:21

I have a complaint, who's been hiding Amaranthe, I only found them yesterday afternoon
Same with me, though it wasn't yesterday. But now I feel I really missed the arrival of this Band. What a treasure ! :) Short introduction of myself. My name is Wolfseye and i am from Cologne, Germany. Listening to Metal for over 20 years and have come across a lot of great bands. But how could I miss AMARANTHE so far ? :)

Take care.

Wolfseye :D

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