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Montag, 25. August 2008, 14:25

Favourite song(s)?

Hey! What are your favourite songs by HolyHell?

I really love the song "Phantom of the opera". The duet of Eric and Maria is incredible!

But I like best the song "Last vision". The changes between slow and fast parts, the kind of way the power rises up, you can even feel the power... it is fantastic!

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »zanshin« (25. August 2008, 14:25)



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Mittwoch, 27. August 2008, 06:32

From the Singel my favorit song is: Apokalypse . A cool fast song with a diversified melodie. I link this.
And of course i love Eclipse. But this song isn´t on the Maxi ;)
Stupid As A Stupid Does

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Mittwoch, 27. August 2008, 12:07

Apokalypse is my favorite from the single
I hope i can have in short time a new favorite :rolleyes:
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Mittwoch, 27. August 2008, 12:12


Originally posted by Saturia
I hope i can have in short time a new favorite :rolleyes:

Adree! ;) :D


Dienstag, 9. September 2008, 11:55

My favorite song is Last Vision but also Apocalypse I like too.


Make it real not Fantasy!!!



Beiträge: 3 558

Wohnort: Daheim

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Mittwoch, 31. Dezember 2008, 01:13

I can´t believe that i say this, but in the moment my absolut favorit song is: Prophecy. As i heard my first time this song, i thought that the song is good, but not the best. I have listend to the song again and again! With every repeating i loved the song more and more!
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Freitag, 2. Januar 2009, 21:37

I like Dream on very much but i think thats because i liked this song since i´ve heard it the first time i love that song.
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Freitag, 15. Mai 2009, 19:05

RE: Favourite song(s)?

Hey! What are your favourite songs by HolyHell?

I really love the song "Phantom of the opera". The duet of Eric and Maria is incredible!

But I like best the song "Last vision". The changes between slow and fast parts, the kind of way the power rises up, you can even feel the power... it is fantastic!

With the absolutely same thoughts I came into this thread, sister! HAIL AND KILL!

About the duet - no words - the best singers, great song, great band performance!

Last vision - total killer song!!! :thumbsup:

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