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  • »Hexo« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 3 558

Wohnort: Daheim

Beruf: Certified Mechanical Technician (CMT)

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Samstag, 24. September 2011, 08:58

HolyHell announces drummer John Macaluso as new band member with a free song download for fans!

In celebration of our latest addition to the band, John Macaluso, we are giving you a FREE download of one of our first live appearances together.

Macaluso first played with us in March 2011 during sold-out shows in Worcester, MA and Cleveland, OH, and the energy was so amazing you can hear it effortlessly in the performances. We want to share this experience with all of our fans!

Go to and get your FREE live version of ‘Revelations' from our album ‘HOLYHELL' NOW.

Go to the tab "HOLYHELL" on the left side of the screen and download the song that was recorded live at the Agora, Cleveland on March 12, 2011.

And tell all your friends to do the same! Thank you all for your constant support! You are the greatest!

Band Quotes:

"Mac, you are the perfect fit! We love you!" – Maria -

"You are a monster drummer with impeccable timing and a strong sense for the music. Playing with you has been a revelation and a pleasure for the whole band.” - Francisco -

"The band sounds "killer"; and to top it all off, you're cool as shit to hang with!!! Welcome, bro!” - Joe –

“You are a great musician AND a great human being. Great to have you with us!” - Jay -

We are currently working on our new album, and the energy in the studio is amazing. Getting ready for great things in 2012!

Don't miss HolyHell live this November 18, at the "Dublin Pub" New Hyde Park, Long Island, NY and November 19, at the "Starland Ballroom" in Sayreville, NJ.

A big welcome to "Hell", Macaluso!! Can't wait to rock again come NOV!

Maria, Francisco, Jay, Joe


HolyHell featuring John ‘Johnny Mac' Macaluso LIVE!
Stupid As A Stupid Does

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