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Freitag, 17. April 2009, 14:27

Magic Circle Festival July 17th-July18th 2009, Loreley - Germany

Here is a copy from the Homepage of Magic Circle festival:

Magic Circle Festival Lured to New Venue As Siren Calls All Metal Warriors

– "They can't stop us, let them try, for heavy metal come to Loreley in July!" Feeding on a steady diet of lightning bolts and thunder, MANOWAR is ready to unleash that energy on the next Magic Circle Festival! Saturday, July 18, 2009 is the date for history to be made when metal meets the myth, the magic and the legend of the Loreley. High above the most treacherous part of Germany's Rhine River, MANOWAR stands prepared to awaken the wrath of the siren with heavy metal allies HolyHell, Metalforce and others yet to be announced as well as a very special guest appearance by a legend in his own time, Germanys most famous fantasy author Wolfgang Hohlbein.

This year, the siren's voice will ring with the power of heavy metal, calling all metal warriors to join in MANOWAR's battle to keep the spirit of heavy metal alive. With festivities starting on the afternoon of July 17 MANOWAR will reward its warriors with the best Germany has to offer when it comes to beauty, romance, danger, history and legends of epic proportions... and we're just talking about the grid coordinates surrounding the venue!

Pre-sale tickets for die-hard fans only are available now for 75 EUROS and will be available soon through regular outlets, but before that MANOWAR has compiled a new Ultimate Fan package for 2009 Magic Circle Festival so irresistible that it will be offered for a limited time and limited quantity as pre-sale only available HERE

In their never ending quest MANOWAR again bring the ultimate metal experience to their fans.

The Magic Circle Festival III ULTIMATE FAN PACKAGE!

For those who are thirsting to drink from the pool of molten metal filled by the blood, sweat and tears of MANOWAR's efforts on behalf of its fans... then PROST! Your cup runneth over with the Magic Circle Festival III Ultimate Fan Package... ON SALE NOW EXCLUSIVELY... for a limited time only!

Each Fan Package includes:

1. Ultimate Fan Festival Ticket complete with laminate and lanyard.
2. Designated Ultimate Fan Seating for this year's most unforgettable metal concert!
3. Meet and Greet / Autograph Session with MANOWAR, HolyHell, Metalforce, Wolfgang Holbein and others!
4. Mr. Metal's Ultimate Fan BBQ.
5. Backstage Area Tour: includes ONSTAGE experience during sound check, your picture taken onstage by MANOWARs official photographer and printed as a poster. Wow!
6. Magic Circle Festival III T-Shirt.
7. Festival Parking Pass.
8. Access to Ultimate Fan Campground.

Priceless for any metal fan... but for MANOWAR's Ultimate Fans...

Only 350 Euros.
Available for a limited time and quantity only!

More information you can find here:


Freitag, 17. April 2009, 14:33

MCF News (April 15th 2009): MANOWAR Launches The Ultimate Fan Contest!

Prove how FANtastic you are!

Hail Brothers and Sisters of Steel! This is your chance to prove that YOU are the ULTIMATE MANOWAR FAN! We want to reward the best of the best with a Grand Prize of 2 Ultimate Fan Packages for Magic Circle Festival III on July 18, 2009 at the Loreley on the Rhine River in Germany!!!

It's a MANOWARD (MANOWAR Award) worth over 700 Euros for... THE ULTIMATE MANOWAR FAN!!

Submit proof of your dedication and devotion to the band that loves its fans!

Express the reasons why you are the Ultimate Fan via a written essay, photos, video footage, or any media that can be sent via email.

In your own words... Tell us your story! Show us your photos! Or... get up close and personal... Show us YOU on video! Any way you choose... JUST DON'T CHOOSE TO LOSE! Send your entries now! Lots of prizes available to win in addition to the Grand Prize.

For more information and instructions on how to enter, visit:
Deadline for submission is May 25, 2009 by Midnight, Central European Time. Winners will be announced on June 1, 2009.


Freitag, 17. April 2009, 14:39

MCF News (April 16th, 2009): More Bands Announced For Magic Circle Festival III

The Magic Circle Festival, soon to be dubbed the united nations of metal, has just released the line-up of hard rocking, ass kicking bands ready to unleash their mega wattage on the Loreley in July!! Magic Circle Festival III, scheduled for July 18, 2009 at the Loreley on the Rhine River in Germany, is shaping up to be the ultimate metal experience of the year. Bands scheduled to appear are
Crystal Viper from Poland,
Ulytau from Kazakhstan,
Jack Starr's Burning Starr from the USA,
Van Canto from Germany,
Metalforce from Germany, Domain from Germany

and headliners, MANOWAR with special guests HolyHell from the USA.

Guaranteed to be a unique event, with many firsts, the festival will debut the collaboration of MANOWAR and Wolfgang Hohlbein, Germany's bestselling fantasy author AND new music from MANOWAR, HolyHell and Jack Starr from new releases scheduled for 2009! That is just the beginning! Stay tuned for more details as they develop. This festival is metal history in the making, a FANtasy come to life!! So don't miss it! Tickets are now available online HERE:

- The Kingdom Of Steel online store:…val-2009-Ticket
- at local ticket offices (,, )

The Ultimate Fan Ticket is available ONLY at The Kingdom Of Steel Online Store.


Mittwoch, 29. April 2009, 21:50

And here some news

The Asgard Saga Website Begins Now!

The world premiere of the fantasy collaboration between MANOWAR and WOLFGANG HOHLBEIN has been announced. THE ASGARD SAGA will begin at MAGIC CIRCLE FESTIVAL III, scheduled to take place at the Loreley on the Rhine River in Germany on July 18, 2009. Headlining the festival, MANOWAR will perform material from the concept album currently in the works. It is based on Hohlbein's tales of one of the most iconic characters in Norse mythology, Thor, the God of Thunder. Hohlbein will debut the captivating fantasy adventure that is promised to be full of action, drama, romance, passion and conflict. It is a modern spin on the classic tale interpreted via the media of our time: the internet, interactive web communities, books, music, video games and beyond. The first phase of this concept is set to launch worldwide today! begins NOW!!


Lord of Darkness

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Donnerstag, 30. April 2009, 08:47

The metal and fantasy communities are buzzing about MANOWAR, Wolfgang Hohlbein, Magic Circle Festival III and The Asgard Saga! Now that the news has spread to our "family" of true metal warriors, we want the world to know what they have been missing! Check out the Magic Circle Festival III promo movie trailer on YouTube at Then YOU TOO, will know what the buzz is about!

In addition, the movie trailer is being added to OFFICIAL websites across metal and fantasy cyberspace, including:,,, to name just a few of the interesting and informative sites YOU should be checking out! So, do your homework so YOU TOO can relate to the latest and greatest addition to YouTube!

For details on the festival and the saga, visit OFFICIAL MANOWAR websites:,,,
Duckt euch, Sterbliche ! :muhaha:



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Wohnort: Daheim

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Donnerstag, 30. April 2009, 22:18

All Roads Lead To Asgard With Your "Passport" To Magic Circle Festival III


Hail Brothers and Sisters of Steel AND future Asgardians! Worldwide ticket agencies are holding your "passport" to Magic Circle Festival III and admittance into Asgard! Your "passport" to the ultimate metal event of the year is being sold in over 130 ticket agencies in Germany alone! The tickets are also available through agencies in Holland, Switzerland, Austria, France, Belgium, UK, Poland, Slovenia, Hungary, Croatia, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Serbia! For 75 Euros, including parking, you can experience a history making extravaganza at the Loreley on the Rhine River in Germany on July 18, 2009, where Asgard will be revealed at Magic Circle Festival III.
Headlined by MANOWAR and special guests HOLYHELL, Germany's best selling fantasy author, Wolfgang Hohlbein will also take the stage to unveil his unique collaboration, The Asgard Saga, with the Kings of Metal, MANOWAR. An entire line-up of bands and complete details on the premiere of this historical event are available on all OFFICIAL websites... AND for ticket agencies in your country, visit, click on TICKETS, then scroll down to the international flags at the bottom of the page. There you will discover no matter where you are in the world, all roads will lead to Asgard, once you buy your "passport" to metal madness and fantasy heaven at Magic Circle Festival III.
For more information about the Magic Circle Festival III, visit You can also view the promo movie trailer to Magic Circle Festival III at For more information on The Asgard Saga, visit See you there!
Quelle: MCM Newsletter.
Stupid As A Stupid Does

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Freitag, 15. Mai 2009, 19:30



Montag, 18. Mai 2009, 13:43


Yeah!!!!! :D :D :D



Beiträge: 67

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Beruf: rechtsanwalt

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Donnerstag, 18. Juni 2009, 18:52

Time flies! Less than month!

When you see thunder - it is from Loreley!




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Sonntag, 28. Juni 2009, 21:38


See you in Loreley!

Let us drink to the power!



Beiträge: 3 558

Wohnort: Daheim

Beruf: Certified Mechanical Technician (CMT)

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Montag, 29. Juni 2009, 06:38

After I heard HOLYHELL the album, I can hardly still expect it on the MCF to go.
Stupid As A Stupid Does

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Beiträge: 3 558

Wohnort: Daheim

Beruf: Certified Mechanical Technician (CMT)

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Montag, 29. Juni 2009, 08:04

Travel information: To the Loreley by car, train or plane

The legendary Loreley Open-Air Theatre is in St. Goarshausen (postcode: 56346), Germany. Whether you're coming from the north, south, east or west, if you're travelling by car you'll find all the directions and a route planner here. If you're travelling by train you should get off at the "Sankt Goarshausen" train station and then take the bus to the festival site. You'll find information on train connections here at the "Deutsche Bahn" (German Rail). If you want to fly to the Magic Circle Festival, there are four airports within a radius of 150 kilometres: Frankfurt-Hahn, Frankfurt am Main, Cologne-Bonn and Mannheim. You'll find all the information you need here.
Stupid As A Stupid Does

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Beiträge: 3 558

Wohnort: Daheim

Beruf: Certified Mechanical Technician (CMT)

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Freitag, 3. Juli 2009, 12:40

Camping Information Is Online

There are two campsites on the Loreley for the Magic Circle Festival. In addition to the festival campsite run by the Loreley operators (cost is a flat rate of €25.00 from 17 to 19 July), there is also a private campsite (€10.00 per person and night). Camping Hotline: +49 1805 160 140. Whether you've got a camper van or a tent: if you want to camp, please be sure to read the guidelines. You'll find all the camping information here.
Stupid As A Stupid Does

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Beiträge: 3 558

Wohnort: Daheim

Beruf: Certified Mechanical Technician (CMT)

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Freitag, 3. Juli 2009, 12:41

Running Order For The 12 Acts Is Online; MANOWAR Will Play For Over 2 Hours

The running order for the first Magic Circle Festival on the Loreley is now online here. The band, "Die Sklaven" will open the festival concerts with their performance at 12 noon. MANOWAR will take the stage at the legendary Open-Air Theatre at 10:30 PM and will rock the Loreley for over 2 hours.

  • 12:00 bis 12:30 Die Sklaven
  • 12:45 bis 13:15 Age Of Evil
  • 13:30 bis 14:00 Crystal Viper
  • 14:15 bis 14:45 Wizard
  • 15:05 bis 15:35 Jack Starr's Burning Starr
  • 15:55 bis 16:30 Van Canto
  • 16:50 bis 17:40 Metalforce
  • 18:00 bis 18:45 Domain
  • 19:05 bis 20:00 HolyHell
  • 20:20 bis 20:50 Ulytau
  • 21:10 bis 22:00 Kingdom Come
  • 22:30 bis 01:00 MANOWAR
Stupid As A Stupid Does

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Beiträge: 3 558

Wohnort: Daheim

Beruf: Certified Mechanical Technician (CMT)

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Sonntag, 12. Juli 2009, 11:03

All important information for the Magic Circle Festival, 18th July 2009, Loreley


By car:
- St. Goarshausen, please follow the signs
- Enough parking space available, parking charge is included in the festival ticket

By bus / train:
- Get off the train at Sankt Goarshausen station / the Loreley is reachable by bus or by foot path

By ferry boat:
- See ferry times at

- Available until Saturday, 18th July 2009 at all ticket agencies (Germany) and at the online shop through 15th July 2009.
- Tickets also available at the box office on the festival ground

Ticket Systems
- The tickets of the various ticket systems (CTS / Eventim, Ticketoline (G & NL), SMG Entertainment, Ticketmaster / Kartenhaus, Ticketcorner (CH), Ticketweb (GB), Bank Austria (Austria), FNAC (F), Primera (NL), Ö-Ticket) will be exchanged at the box office for original tickets once it has been verified that they are genuine.

- Festival camping ground Loreley: Friday, 17th July 2009 from 10 am. Camping charge from 17th til 19th July: 25 € / a piece. Tickets available via camping hotline: 0049 1805 160 140
- Private camping ground costs 10 € per person / per night. All information at

Start of the festival on Friday, 17th July 2009
- Autograph Signing Session with MANOWAR, HolyHell and Wolfgang Hohlbein
- Arm Wrestling Contest
- Miss MANOWAR Contest
- Beer Drinking Contest
- Fire-Eating Girl Show
- Penalty Kick Shooting
- "Norman Abnormal" The Magician
- MANOWAR Trivia Contest
- Normay's best AC/DC tribute band "Heatseekers"

LineUp / Timetable Saturday, 18th July 2009

12:00 Die Sklaven
12:45 Age of Evil
13:30 Crystal Viper
14:15 Wizard
15:05 Jack Starr's Burning Starr
15:55 Van Canto
16:50 Metalforce
18:00 Domain
19:05 HolyHell
20:20 Ulytau
21:10 Kingdom Come



Beiträge: 3 558

Wohnort: Daheim

Beruf: Certified Mechanical Technician (CMT)

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Dienstag, 14. Juli 2009, 07:17

Magic Circle Festival 2009 Schedule for Friday July 17th is Now Online!

Below is the schedule of activities for the Magic CIrcle Festival Kickoff Party on Friday July 17th:

12:00 Opening Ceremony (feat. MANOWAR & Wolfgang Hohlbein) @ VIP Campground
12:30 MANOWAR Trivia Contest @ MCF Activity Tent
13:30 Arm Wrestling Contest @ MCF Activity Tent
14:30 MANOWAR Autograph Signing Session @ VIP Campground
17:30 Fastest Beer Drinking Contest @ MCF Activity Tent
20:30 Q&A Session About The Asgard Saga (feat. MANOWAR & Wolfgang Hohlbein) @ Activity Tent
21:00 Miss MANOWAR Contest @ MCF Activity Tent
21:30 Heatseekers (AC/DC Tribute Band) @ Side Stage
23:00 Fire-Eating Girl Show @ Side Stage

Exclusive schedule for all fans who purchased the Ultimate Fan Package:

17:00 Ultimate Fan Package Meet & Greet @ Stage Right
17:30 Ultimate Fan Package Soundcheck Experience @ Stage
18:00 Ultimate Fan Package Photo With MANOWAR @ Stage
19:00 Ultimate Fan Package BBQ @ Beergarden

All-day activities include:

Penalty Kicking Wall by Vodafone @ VIP Campground
Asgard Saga Story Reading in English and German @ Nomadetent VIP Campground
Asgard Info Booth @ Asgard Tent

For more information about the Magic Circle Festival please visit

All times are subject to change.


Montag, 20. Juli 2009, 21:10

It was great! absoluteley great, great great!!!! :thumbsup:

Holyhell was fantastic! Their performance - wow! so full of power!!!!!!



Dienstag, 4. August 2009, 08:53

Here is my review:

Hail and Gruesse


Zurzeit sind neben Ihnen 7 Benutzer in diesem Thema unterwegs:

7 Besucher
