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I have to talk to Petra about the Hammerfall concert in Fulda.
I hope she will not hit me
Hammerfall is one of my favorite bands and i would like to see them live.
Duckt euch, Sterbliche !
Where is Fulda??
Make it real not Fantasy!!!
Call Any Vegetables And Your Chances Are Good
If your warrior of love is too small, you may lose this war
Many Thanks Baldi
Make it real not Fantasy!!!
maybe i go to the Hammerfall concert in Fulda with the guys of the Hessen Army of Immortals but i have to collect my money because i want to go to W:O:A next year (20 years anniversary) headliners are Metallica or AC/DCand there are cathedral, In Extremo, Machine Head, Amon Amarth
No Pity for a Coward
On friday I'll go to Genova to see a fair about very big boat!!!
I'm so exiting
Make it real not Fantasy!!!
On November 19th will be The "Ross the Boss" Band in the RoFa in Ludwigsburg. I think I will be there....
thats the problem we have here. the only concerts before next summer here are Helloween (with girlschool, Benedictum and V8wankers) and a few others like Lafee and Thomas Godoj and something like that and thats not realy interesting for me
No Pity for a Coward
Original von zanshin
On November 19th will be The "Ross the Boss" Band in the RoFa in Ludwigsburg. I think I will be there....
Oh damn. I will see that too, but on this date we are not in germany. Maybe next time.
Greetz Matthias
Stupid As A Stupid Does
Folge uns auf
yesterday i saw the commercial for outback again and anytime in october theres another concert with andy scott´s the sweet and arolser goes there and at helloween there is benedictum
No Pity for a Coward
The next concerts that I'll go is in November and December...
Make it real not Fantasy!!!
yesterday i heard that arch enemy are here at 19th december2008 i think about it maybe i go there maybe i don´t
No Pity for a Coward
At 14 November I'll go to Milan to see Slayer e Amon Amarth and at 1 December I'll go to Milan to see Black Label Society.
Make it real not Fantasy!!!
Black Label Sciety and Amon Amarth are great
Slayer are not one of my favorite. I think i don`t like Slayer
Meine Schatzkiste
Bei machen heisst es "mein Auto, mein Boot, mein Haus"
Bei mir heisst es " Meine CDs, meine LPs, meine dazugehörigen Abspielgeräte"
I have never see this groups...
Make it real not Fantasy!!!
November 19th: Ross the Boss in Ludwigsburg (Rockfabrik)
December 06th: Motörhead and Saxon in Stuttgart. :]
I would like to see Motörhead, I hope that they come in Italy...
Make it real not Fantasy!!!
Original von zanshin
November 19th: Ross the Boss in Ludwigsburg (Rockfabrik)
December 06th: Motörhead and Saxon in Stuttgart. :]
March 08th 2009: Judas Priest, Stuttgart Porschearena :]
In Stuttgart Judas Priest? Mhhh!!! It's possible to go...
Make it real not Fantasy!!!
metallica in stuttgart. 08 may next year..
i bought the tickets 2 minutes ago...
[schild]They can´t stop us,let them try, for heavy metal we will die!!![/schild]
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