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Congratulation for the Metallica Ticks. The Most Gigs are sold out
Meine Schatzkiste
Bei machen heisst es "mein Auto, mein Boot, mein Haus"
Bei mir heisst es " Meine CDs, meine LPs, meine dazugehörigen Abspielgeräte"
In Italy the tiket of Metallica are sold out!!! I would like to go.....
Make it real not Fantasy!!!
in germany the same
and Salzburg in Austria is a little bit to long way for me
Meine Schatzkiste
Bei machen heisst es "mein Auto, mein Boot, mein Haus"
Bei mir heisst es " Meine CDs, meine LPs, meine dazugehörigen Abspielgeräte"
Make it real not Fantasy!!!
yeah , the tickets i bought were the last three one.. hahahaaaaaa
[schild]They can´t stop us,let them try, for heavy metal we will die!!![/schild]
I'm wainting my two concerts...
Make it real not Fantasy!!!
The next Concert / Festival is THE MAGIC CIRCLE FESTIVAL :-)
This is fuc**** awesome.
[sign=16]All Hail MCM[/sign]
Stupid As A Stupid Does
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Next stops on our tour:
Bang Your Head
Bestfest Aftershock
John Fogerty Emmendingen
Bang your Head.
Cool. Saturia will there be too. If it´s possible for me, i try to get a one day ticket. I will see Blind Guardian live. At this moment nobody will come with me to Bang your head :-(
Stupid As A Stupid Does
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I wish you much fun at Bang your Head Festival.
But I think this year I will not go to this festival...
So the next concert/festival for me will be MCF III
Just few days until I see MANOWAR and HOLYHELL in Romania at B`estfest Aftershock! I am very excited these days.
And after that - Loreley!
Oh you will be there.
Lucky man. I have to wait for the Loreley!
I hope you will enjoy the B´estfest Show!
If it will possible, it would be nice, if you take some pictures for us?
Stupid As A Stupid Does
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Cara, Paddy, Petra mand me are going to the Headbangers open air.
It starts at the 22.07-26.07 near Hamburg.
Duckt euch, Sterbliche !
Oh you will be there.
Lucky man. I have to wait for the Loreley!
I hope you will enjoy the B´estfest Show!
If it will possible, it would be nice, if you take some pictures for us?
Of fucking course! Hope this time the pics to be better
Thank you very much. I will put these pictures in our galery!
Stupid As A Stupid Does
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Most likely M'era Luna Festival.
Really Wacken?
Ok, then please make a lot of pictures and share them with us.
Stupid As A Stupid Does
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Van Canto 25.10.2009 Bruchsal
[sign=6]Rakka Takka Mother Fucker!!![/sign]
As it seems plans have changed... Schandmaul next saturday...
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