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Huhu. I'm out of your contribution from the Quasselecke times made a separate topic.
This is actually a good topic :-)
So honestly I do not think there will be a really great translator.
I had employed me years ago that once before and was disappointed. Even in recent test purchase of software, the result is sobering.
Prerequisite for a good translation result is that the text to be translated in a very good example German / English is written.
So I personally would advise against it to pay for. It does not pay themselves.
What I can give a tip:
It is also possible with several online translation tools translate individual sentences. Although this is expensive but it works out quite well.
As an online translation programs I can recommend the following:
Abacho Translator:
and for individual words following page is best:
I personally find many translation tools really amusing. The translations are stellenweiße so funny that I've laughed tears!
Greetings Matthias